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Salinity Pilot-Mission Exploitation Platform

Jupyter notebook

For accountability (computing resources are limited) and security reasons, Jupyter notebook access is granted under request by sending an email to pimep-projectoceandatalab.com.

Once your demand is accepted, you will receive a username and a password in order to connect to datarmor.

Since Jupyter need firefox running on datarmor, you have to connect to datarmor with X:

ssh -X datarmor

cd to the directory where you want to use Jupyter notebook (for example your $DATAWORK or $DATAHOME) then do:

qsub /appli/services/exemples/pbs/jupyter.pbs

use qstat to see if your job is running. Once it is, you will have a file called jupyter_token appearing.

You will need to run:


Then firefox will start and you can use Jupyter notebook.

For potential users that do not want to proceed through the registration phase, we will provide some jupyter notebooks on the google colab:

MDB Database Test.ipynb